Dynamically Build a MERGE Statement - Auto Generated MERGE
/Once I worked on a project that involved moving data from DB2 to MSSQL. We setup jobs in SSIS to copy the data over to staging tables in MSSQL server and then we ran MERGE procedures to merge the data from our staging tables to production. We had more than a 100 jobs that followed this pattern so imagine all the work writing those merge statements. After writing a handful of those I decided to come up with a solution that would write them for me, so here you go, the auto generated merge.
In the script below, we have a table definition that will hold details for your merge. I usually create this once and then truncate it each time I want to write a new merge statement. Following that we have our variables which define your target and source data. All you need to do is make sure the DynamicMerge table is created and plug in the database name, schema name, and table name of your target table and source table in your variables. Follow the naming convention in the example below. The merge statement assumes you are merging two tables that are identical, but of course you could modify it to meet your needs.
This script can handle null values in the WHEN MATCHED lookup, we use EXCEPT to find unmatched values between source and target.
I like to output the results to text so I can review it before running or placing it in an SP. So when you run the query you will want to output to text and not grid (the default). To do this you will need to change a few settings in SSMS, more specifically you need to change query and text results options in SSMS to allow more characters to be output to text. From the menu: Query>QueryOptions>Results>Text (Uncheck 'Include Column Headers') and Tools>Options>QueryResults>SQLServer>ResultsToText (Increase the maximum number of characters displayed in each column to like 8000). If you don't make these two changes then the output text will be truncated and or you will have a bunch of dashes at the top of the script.
--Create the DynamicMerge table CREATE TABLE Staging.dbo.DynamicMerge ( TableCatalog varchar(500) ,TableSchema varchar(100) ,TableName varchar(500) ,ColumnName varchar(500) ,MergeOn varchar(1000) ,UpdateOn varchar(1000) ,InsertOn varchar(1000) ,ExceptSource varchar(500) ,ExceptTarget varchar(500) ,IsPK bit DEFAULT 0) USE <DatabaseName>; -- This is the DB of your Target in the merge, make sure you set this. GO SET NOCOUNT ON; GO -- Truncate the DynamicMerge table every time you use it TRUNCATE TABLE Staging.dbo.DynamicMerge; --------------------------------------------------------- -- Insert details to the DynamicMerge table DECLARE @TableCatalog varchar(500) = 'TargetDBName' -- This is the database name ,@TableSchema varchar(500) = 'TargetSchemaName' -- Schema for your target table ,@TableName varchar(500) = 'TargetTableName' -- This is the table name ,@TargetName varchar(1000) = 'DBName.SchemaName.TargetTableName' -- Three part name ,@SourceName varchar(1000) = 'DBName.SchemaName.SourceTableName' -- Three part name INSERT INTO Staging.dbo.DynamicMerge ( TableCatalog ,TableSchema ,TableName ,ColumnName ,MergeOn ,UpdateOn ,InsertOn ,ExceptSource ,ExceptTarget ) SELECT TABLE_CATALOG ,TABLE_SCHEMA ,TABLE_NAME ,COLUMN_NAME ,'Target1.' + COLUMN_NAME + ' = Source1.' + COLUMN_NAME ,COLUMN_NAME + ' = Source1.' + COLUMN_NAME ,'Source1.' + COLUMN_NAME -- Except Source ,'Source1.' + COLUMN_NAME -- Except Target ,'Target1.' + COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_CATALOG = @TableCatalog AND TABLE_SCHEMA = @TableSchema AND TABLE_NAME = @TableName; --target table name -------------------------------------------------------- -- Update the Primary Key flag UPDATE dt SET IsPK = 1 FROM Staging.dbo.DynamicMerge dt INNER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE ku ON dt.ColumnName =ku.COLUMN_NAME INNER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS tc ON tc.CONSTRAINT_TYPE ='PRIMARY KEY' AND tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME = ku.CONSTRAINT_NAME AND ku.TABLE_NAME = dt.TableName; ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Check the Results (optional) --SELECT * FROM Staging.dbo.DynamicMerge; ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create the Column list variable DECLARE @ColumnList varchar(max) SET @ColumnList = ( SELECT STUFF((SELECT ',' + ColumnName + CHAR(10) FROM Staging.dbo.DynamicMerge x1 WHERE x1.TableName = x2.TableName FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1,'') AS MergeOnColumns FROM Staging.dbo.DynamicMerge x2 GROUP BY TableName); -------------------------------------------------------- -- Create the MergeOnSource variable - matching the unique key DECLARE @MergeOn varchar(max) SET @MergeOn = ( SELECT STUFF((SELECT 'AND ' + MergeOn + CHAR(10) FROM Staging.dbo.DynamicMerge x1 WHERE x1.TableName = x2.TableName AND x1.IsPK = 1 FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 4,'') -- AS MergeOnColumns FROM Staging.dbo.DynamicMerge x2 WHERE IsPK = 1 GROUP BY TableName); ----------------------------------------- -- Create the Merge EXCEPT Target varable DECLARE @MExceptTarget varchar(max) SET @MExceptTarget = ( SELECT STUFF((SELECT ', ' + ExceptTarget FROM Staging.dbo.DynamicMerge x1 WHERE x1.TableName = x2.TableName AND x1.IsPK = 0 FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1,'') -- AS UpdateOnColumns FROM Staging.dbo.DynamicMerge x2 WHERE IsPK = 0 GROUP BY TableName ); ----------------------------------------- -- Create the Merge EXCEPT Source variable DECLARE @MExceptSource varchar(max) SET @MExceptSource = ( SELECT STUFF((SELECT ', ' + ExceptSource FROM Staging.dbo.DynamicMerge x1 WHERE x1.TableName = x2.TableName AND x1.IsPK = 0 FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1,'') -- AS UpdateOnColumns FROM Staging.dbo.DynamicMerge x2 WHERE IsPK = 0 GROUP BY TableName ); ----------------------------------- -- Create the Merge UPDATE variable DECLARE @MUpdate varchar(max) SET @MUpdate = ( SELECT STUFF((SELECT ',' + UpdateOn + CHAR(10) FROM Staging.dbo.DynamicMerge x1 WHERE x1.TableName = x2.TableName AND x1.IsPK = 0 FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1,'') -- AS UpdateOnColumns FROM Staging.dbo.DynamicMerge x2 WHERE IsPK = 0 GROUP BY TableName); ----------------------------------- -- Create the Merge INSERT variable DECLARE @MInsert varchar(max) SET @MInsert = ( SELECT STUFF((SELECT ',' + InsertOn + CHAR(10) FROM Staging.dbo.DynamicMerge x1 WHERE x1.TableName = x2.TableName FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1,'') -- AS UpdateOnColumns FROM Staging.dbo.DynamicMerge x2 GROUP BY TableName); --------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Now build the MERGE statement. In the query results window, make sure to output to text and not grid. You will need to increase the character output from the defaults. This is explained at the beginning of this document. */
-- Note* CHAR(10) is a line feed control character. CHAR(13) is a carriage return.
SELECT 'MERGE ' + @TargetName + ' AS Target1' + CHAR(10)
+ 'USING (SELECT ' + @ColumnList + 'FROM ' + @SourceName + ') AS Source1' + CHAR(10)
+ CHAR(10)
+ 'ON (' + CHAR(10)
+ @MergeOn + ')' + CHAR(10)
+ CHAR(10)
+ '(' + CHAR(10)
+ ' SELECT ' + @MExceptSource + CHAR(10)
+ ' EXCEPT' + CHAR(10)
+ ' SELECT ' + @MExceptTarget + CHAR(10)
+ ')' + CHAR(10)
+ CHAR(10)
+ 'SET ' + @MUpdate
+ CHAR(10)
+ CHAR(10)
+ 'VALUES (' + @MInsert + ')' + CHAR(10)
+ 'WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE THEN DELETE;' -- Optional DELETE if that is desired
This script has been tested from SQL 2008 through 2016. It was last used against a SQL 2016 server with 2017 SSMS. It works!