Getting Started With DBT - Development Primer

In our previous guide DBT Cloud - Create a Project we learned how to build our first project in DBT, connect to our Snowflake database, and connect to our Azure DevOps repository. Now that we have our project and repo setup we are ready to begin development. This guide will walk you through the basics, a primer on how to get started working in DBT.

* All work we are doing is in the DBT cloud.

Navigating Your Project

In the top right corner of the DBT cloud interface you will see your organization name and a drop down list--this will contain a list of all projects in your organization. When you select a project, this will change the context of the Develop, Deploy, Environments, and Jobs options to the selected project. Before we can start modifying our project we first need to create our credentials for the target project. Any permissioned user in your DBT environment will still need to create credentials for the target project they want to work in before they can access the project through the Develop interface.

Click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the DBT cloud interface and select the Account Settings option. Once you are in Account Settings you will see other options to do things like create a project or set credentials. Since we already created our project in the previous guide, now we are ready to create our first set of development credentials for our project.

 In the Credentials section you should see a list of all projects in your environment.

 Click the target environment and this will bring up options to establish your development credentials.

If your target database is Snowflake for example, then you should configure your Development Credentials with the credentials you access Snowflake with. So enter the username and password for your Snowflake login and for the schema, we want to specify a name that lets us know from where, who, and what project. In DBT, in your development environment,  when you materialize tables or views those objects are created in the schema you specify in your project development credentials. When you move in to production, these objects will materialize in the schema defined in your environment, more on that later.

I like to follow a naming pattern as such: <SOURCE_PERSON_PROJECT>. So let's say our project is named Accounting_Datamart, the schema I would enter is DBT_BHETT_ACCTMART. The system generating the object is DBT, BHETT is an abbreviated user name, and ACCTMART as an abbreviated project name. Once you start working across many projects this will start to make more sense--the goal here is to accurately track what assets you have created in DBT and what project they belong to. Once you are finished creating your development credentials there is one more step before we can start working in our project and that is to create the first environment. In the top navigation bar, click the Deploy dropdown and then select Environments.

On the Environments page click the Create Environment button.

For our first environment we are going to create a development environment.

Give your environment a name and select Development for the Environment Type. For DBT version I would always try to use the latest. Save that and we are now ready to start working in the project.  In the top navigation bar, click the Develop button.

Once the environment loads up you will see something that looks like the following.

Since we already created a relationship between DBT and DevOps when we built the project, all branching and merging is managed by DBT. When you click the Create branch button and create a development branch, DBT will create that in the remote repository and then check it out for you--all changes will be captured in this branch. When you are done with your development you can simply commit your changes in DBT and it will commit and sync them with your remote repository--DBT is acting as your git client here. You can also merge your development branch to main from DBT, but you should put in controls that prevent this behavior for the same reasons you prevent developers from merging to main anywhere else.

Notice all the folders and files in your file explorer, this is where you will build and organize the content for your project. The most important folder in your project is going to be your models folder, this is where you define all the SQL transforms for your data; how you organize this data will determine whether or not DBT is building views or physical tables--we will come back to.

First let's talk about the yml files. Yml files are configuration files that let you instruct behaviors and configurations in your project, models, tests, etc., and the most important of these at this point is your dbt_project.yml file. The project configuration file can be used for many different types of configurations as seen in the following link.

We are going to focus on some basic configurations for your project file. The project.yml file will already have some content when you open it, it will look something like this.

# Name your project! Project names should contain only lowercase characters
# and underscores. A good package name should reflect your organization's
# name or the intended use of these models
name: 'dbt_My_Project'
version: '1.0.0'
config-version: 2
# This setting configures which "profile" dbt uses for this project.
 profile: 'default'
# These configurations specify where dbt should look for different types of files.
# The `source-paths` config, for example, states that models in this project can be
# found in the "models/" directory. You probably won't need to change these!
model-paths: ["models"]
analysis-paths: ["analyses"]
test-paths: ["tests"]
seed-paths: ["seeds"]
macro-paths: ["macros"]
snapshot-paths: ["snapshots"]
target-path: "target"  # directory which will store compiled SQL files
clean-targets:         # directories to be removed by `dbt clean`
  - "target"
  - "dbt_packages"
# Configuring models
# Full documentation:
# In this example config, we tell dbt to build all models in the example/ directory
# as tables. These settings can be overridden in the individual model files
# using the `{{ config(...) }}` macro.
         materialized: table
         materialized: view  

First you have the name of your project, you'll want to provide a name that accurately describes the project and you will then use this name in other configurations in your yml file. The next most important section is the paths section. This is what tells DBT where to look for certain types of files. I would leave this as-is for now and make sure you are creating content where DBT expects it (we will get in to this more later on). Finally, for your initial configuration you will want to start setting your materialization strategy. Setting materialization means instructing DBT what to do with your model definitions, which means creating tables or views.

In my file explorer I have created two folders under the model folder named datamart and intermediate.

For all SQL definitions in my intermediate folder I would like to have those rendered as a view, and for all SQL definitions in my datamart folder I would like those rendered as tables. In this configuration intermediate is my stage and datamart is the final dimensionalized object that reporting consumers will pull data from. I first write the SQL to transform the source data, denormalize, define custom attributes, create composite keys, etc. That is what we write to a view. Then we pull the data from that view and create references to the view and other views so that it creates a lineage for us and instructs DBT in what order things need to be built.

In the configuration file example above you will see the section named models. This is followed by the project name we assigned at the top of the project.yml file and then one entry for the datamart folder and another for the intermediate folder along with the materialization strategy of table or view. This is how you configure materialization for your project.

* Important note - proper indentation and formatting of the yml file is necessary in order for the file to be parsed correctly. Anytime you   are following a guide on configuring yml files, make sure you are following the exact formatting laid out in those guides.

Lets go ahead and create our first branch, add folders to our project, modify the project.yml file, and create the first SQL transform file.  Click the Create branch button and provide a name for the new branch.

In the models folder in your project File Explorer create two new folders named intermediate and datamart, make sure both of these reside one level under the models folder like shown in the previous image. Now we are ready to modify the project.yml file. Click the file and we are going to make a few changes. First, give you project a name in the configuration file, we are going to name ours "dbt_my_project".

name: 'dbt_my_project'
version: '1.0.0'
config-version: 2

Now we are going to define materialization for the new folders we created, add this section to your project.yml file and click the save button in the top right corner.

         materialized: table
         materialized: view  

The last thing we need to do is to create our first SQL file. Highlight the intermediate folder and click the ellipses to the right and add new file.

Name this something like vw_stage_customer.sql or the name of a table in your target datastore, prefix with vw_ to communicate the materialization of the object, a view. Now write a simple query that returns a few rows and then click the save button in the top right of the screen.

Now we are going to create a file in the datamart folder, you can name this one something that better aligns with its role, something like dim_customer.sql, this one will be materialized as a table. For your query, write a select statement that calls all the columns you defined in your view and this brings us to the last and most important steps to get up to speed in DBT. Now we are going to add a reference and a surrogate key. First the ref function, more detail here.

Keep in mind, the ref function is a key feature in DBT. This is what allows you to build a lineage that is easy to understand and also instructs build order when your models are run. If you stick to the naming above, you can add your ref in your dim_customer.sql query like this.

 FROM {{ref('vw_stage_customer')}}

For more details please refer to the DBT documentation, but this will get you the reference behavior that is central to the product. The last thing we want to do is to add a surrogate key, this is going to be a hash value key (not here to debate the merits of miisk vs hash keys). Before we can add the surrogate we first need to install the utilities that enable the surrogate key function. This is also another central feature to the DBT project, the ability to leverage libraries created by the community.

First thing we need to do is to install the dbt utility collection, instructions can be found here:

With that installed we are now ready to add the surrogate key function. Lets say we want to add a surrogate key based on the natural key CustomerId. This is how we would do that.

    {{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['CustomerId']) }} AS CustomerId_sk
 FROM {{ref('vw_stage_customer')}}

You can add more than a single field in the surrogate key generator. All fields will be separated automatically using a hyphen and that will be included in the hash key. So something like CustomerId, CustomerName would be rendered as CustomerId-CustomerName and that is the value that the hash is based on.

That should be enough to get you started in DBT. This is just a primer to get you up and running quickly, but there is still so much more to explore with the product. Advanced configurations, tests, and documentation are some of the other areas you will want to get up to speed in, but that will come in time as you use the product and have the need to implement those features.

DBT Cloud - Create a Project w/ Azure DevOps Repository

Projects in DBT are much like projects in any other IDE, think Visual Studio projects for example. A project will organize datastore connections, repository relationships, and all assets developed in that project such as DBT models, unit tests, configurations, etc. Before we can start working in DBT we first need to create a project.

This guide is for DBT Cloud, Snowflake, and Azure DevOps for your code repository. In the DBT documentation they suggest you would need the DBT enterprise licensing to connect to an DevOps repository, but that is only through HTTPS. We can still connect to a DevOps repository using SSH and we can do this at the standard licensing level of DBT.

This guide was written on 2023.02.10.

Project Configuration

First we need to navigate to your DBT cloud instance @

Make sure you are logged in to your account and once you are logged in, look to the top right hand corner of the DBT interface in your browser and you will see a blue gear, click that and then click the Account Settings option (the naming is not intuitive here, but the cloud interface will likely improve as the product matures).

On the Account Settings page, the first main section on this page will list all of the projects you have created. Click the New Project button to configure a new project, this will bring you to the project setup page.

The first option is to set the name of your project so give it a name that makes sense for the purpose or business system it serves. We have named our project MY_TEST_DBT_PROJECT for our example here. Once you have selected a name click the Continue button.

Next we want to choose our datastore (what DBT calls a warehouse), we are using Snowflake for this example. Select the target datastore and click next, this will take you to the configure your environment page.

The configure your environment page refers to the datastore configuration, this means everything we need to connect DBT to Snowflake. The warehouse will are configuring is Snowflake and it resides is Azure. Give the connection a name, we will name ours SNOWFLAKE_TEST.

As we move down to the Settings section, the first option is Account--this is your Snowflake account instance. If you have any firewalls enabled for your Snowflake instance, apply inbound filtering rules as needed. Configuring IP access is beyond the scope of this guide.

You can find your Snowflake account by pulling up your Snowflake instance in a browser. In the URL example below we have highlighted the part of the URL that describes the Account. We have to rearrange it to look like and then enter that in the Account field.

"https:/" is the URL, then your account will be

Once we have entered the Account name, we are ready to move on to the Optional Settings section. While this says optional you will want to fill this out. For your Role, choose a security role you have defined in your Snowflake instance. In our example here we have a role named DATA_TRANSFORMER. For the Database, enter the target database you want to connect to in your Snowflake instance. Finally, for the Warehouse option, enter the appropriate compute warehouse you defined in Snowflake. I would leave the Session Keep Alive option unchecked. Your configuration should look something like the following.

The next section we need to configure is the Development Credentials section. This is where we configure the security credentials dbt will use to connect to the Snowflake instance for new development. Our Auth Method is Username & Password, but you can also use key pair if desired. Enter the Snowflake username and password for the account you want DBT to use to access your Snowflake instance. For the Schema option, this is the schema DBT will write to when you are working in your development environment. Depending our your team composition, how many people are working in DBT, you may want to tweak this to be more personalized. Here we are setting a generic schema of dbt_elt.

Make sure the user account and schema have already been setup in Snowflake. As for the Target Name and Threads options, I would leave these as the default for now. Here is what this section will look like.

Now you are ready to test your configuration. Click the Test Connection button at the bottom right of the page.

This will bring up a testing indicator. If you set this up correctly your testing should pass and we are ready to move on to the last section, Setup a Repository. This is where we are going to establish the relationship between our Azure DevOps repo and DBT. To do this we are going to use SSH.

Connecting to DevOps Repository

This section is a little more involved because we need to do a few things in Azure DevOps to get this working. Select the Git Clone option. DBT is asking for the SSH git URL which we will get from DevOps. Once we have the SSH git URL, DBT will create the public key that we will then load back to DevOps. This is how we build the relationship between the two systems.

Navigate to your target DevOps repository and click the Clone button in the top right of the landing page. There are two options, HTTPS and SSH, select SSH and then copy the URL DevOps generates.

Now that we have the target SSH URL we need to enter this in to DBT. Go back to the DBT configuration screen for the repository, make sure git clone is still selected, and then enter the SSH URL we copied from DevOps and click the Import button. DBT will generate an SSH key for us that will allow us to communicate with DevOps. We need to load this SSH key to Azure DevOps so,  copy the key and navigate back to your DevOps site.

In DevOps, in to top right corner, there is a person icon with a gear next to it. These are your personal settings and where you want to define the key. Click the icon and then select the option SSH public keys.

Click the New Key button, provide a name, and then paste the key you copied from DBT. When you are done click the Add button at the bottom of the page. You should see this in your list of public keys now in DevOps.

Go back to the DBT configuration page and click the Next button, this will complete the setup of your project.